Wednesday 8 April 2009

Lover of my Soul.

my beauties, we are moving closer to our sweet night.
Love is our answer, our gift,
Our collective work will make love live.
Art is powerfull.
But Love is Lord of All.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Anam Cara

a world of hardship,
her heart storm wrecked thrown accross lifes tidal landscapes
eaten by salt
beaten cooked and dried by thundering sun
moments of glory ridden emptiness drifting out n out n out


Settled chaos
disaster circled
around truth
the serpent
coiling a tree

Here we find the seed
a token of bliss in the hereafter
the forever more
comfort revealed

heart beating

Saturday 14 March 2009

Police brutality in Spain

it is real...
I need your help.

Friday 6 March 2009

Wednesday 4 March 2009

my bright one

When will you believe me
that you are my love
only you.

What does this mean to you?
What did i mean to you?
Do you know?
Do you know my name?
Lover, sweet, call me your lover.

I am wracked with ruin and fueled by dread

Do you think we will marry?
Do ou imagine i am stable?

Shall we write a letter, to the river, ask it for our forgiveness,

What other moment do i have
but here, with you.

Will you think away from me?
What do you think i want?

When will you rest with me, watch the stars turn in years of sky
See trees blosssom and age


when will you be mine?

I will not keep you, i cannot.

I can hardly keep myself.
I am not stable.
You want to love me?
A blessing on our times then, but spare me the regrets, i am sad enough already.

Love and ask nothing o fme and i will share my heart with you
sacred, tender

Close to you, near by,

Settled, smiling.

Here for you.
Only you.

Are you my love?
The one whos arms i can escape into,

the one who will take sanctuary in my embrace.

We will leave the world, find refuge, take shelter, learn, and share, slowly.

What a hard time we have had my love.
I am glad we found each other.

Go where you will, i am here, do you understand?

This months theme

This months theme is "Bright One in the Forest" my beauties. Stir your inner imaginings and lay out some words for us all to feel and find.....13th and 14th march.......what pieces do you have in that heart?

Thursday 19 February 2009

when it gets there

I am a fool, i will be the first to admit, i have a rare condition but i am amazing (not ego, just wishfull thinking...)
AND part of my amazing is you, elusive, sacred, mindfull and real as you are. Even in your everything-elseness, i take part in loving you, unconditionally, from far far away. Like prayer from a halucinating mad man, but true in its promise, sacred in its kiss, golden, sublime.
But with-held, within. Yes, crazy, oh and science to explain, death and injury, a scar on my brain, but beauty!! oh sweet beauty, how your ways are flown through self and wonderment, clarity and joy....but peace, for your sadness is a gift also, rare and simple, kind and Beloved, sweet sweet sweet One, be forever in the grace of however you are, sublime divine being.
Forgive me, a gutter crawler, a madman fixated with stars, but cherish the thought:::oh how someone loves what may be You.
Peace my endless friend and companion in aeons of all of us.